Showing posts with label Cyclic Index. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyclic Index. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War | Max Tension in March 2022

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War is comprised of the degree distances of all planets between Jupiter and Pluto. When the graph is at its low point, there are one or more conjunctions between any planets from Jupiter to Pluto. Conjunctions tend to focus on turbulence. When the graph ascends, it is telling that we are on the way to planetary opposition within any two of the five planets involved. The low points reflect conditions of international, economic and social tension, conflict and war. Peaks typically forecast the opposite. Barbault's Index will print the the lowest point of the cyclical index in this entire 21st century by mid March 2022 .
Calculated and charted with Timing Solution. More on Barbault's Cyclic Index Here

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Barbault's Cyclic Index and Ganeau's Index of Cyclic Equilibrium | 1700 - 2050

In André Barbault's Cyclic Index better times are at the highs, bad times at the lows. In Claude Ganeau's Index of Cyclic Equilibrium
general mundane circumstances are considered to be better above the zero-line. Periods below the zero-line are generally less favorable
and oftentimes coincide with major military conflicts.
See also HERE + HERE

Monday, October 5, 2015

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War 1900 - 2100

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War is a composite of the angular distances between the five outer planets. In mundane
astrology Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are known as ‘Collective Planets’. Their cycles correspond to long-term cultural-historic periods. Saturn
and Jupiter are the social planets which relate to social-political and economic developments.
Calculated with Timing Solution. See also HERE
André Barbault's original Cyclic Index (Indice de concentration planetaire) for the XXth century.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War

One of the things that all people in all nations care deeply about is war and peace. There was a french astrologer named Henri-Joseph Gouchon who designed a way of plotting planetary activity in a way that reflected times of peace or turbulence in the world. This technique, called, “The Cyclic Index,” was first publicized by astrologer, André Barbault.

André Barbault's Cyclic Index of Global Tension, Conflict and War is comprised of the degree distances of all planets between Jupiter and Pluto. That is, Jupiter to Saturn; Jupiter to Uranus; Jupiter to Neptune; Jupiter to Pluto; Saturn to Uranus; Saturn to Neptune, etc. In any given year, all degree distances are measured and totaled. You do that for every year involved. Use any date in the year but use that date for every year that’s done. In other words, if the first year begins using January 1st, use January 1st for all years.

When the graph is at its low point, there are one or more conjunctions between any planets from Jupiter to Pluto. Conjunctions tend to focus on turbulence. When the graph ascends, it is telling that we are on the way to a planetary opposition within any two of the five planets involved. The low points most reflect conditions of war and turbulence in the world. Peaks are typically times of peace. (The weakness in the graph is that there is no representation for squares in it and we know that things occasionally break out when there are many squares).The Cyclic Index doesn’t make exact predictions. Rather, it shows the overall climate of world events, especially in terms of war, peace, and the economy.

Between 1953 and 1967, André Barbault was the vice-chairman of the International Center of Astrology.His work there, but also his publications led him to become the leader in the field.In 1967, he undertook the first ever application of computer technology to astrology: "Ordinastral Astroflash" which became an international business, putting André Barbault into the electronic orbit. Since 1967, he has also been the chief editor of the magazine " The Astrologer" published by Editions Traditionnelles.